Worm unpowered taylor. html>yt

Taylor Hebert, Pizzeria Tycoon has Taylor drop out of school and open a pizza restaurant that becomes a neutral zone in the city. It means I am basing my story on a book that I read called Worm. In Taking the Stage, Taylor becomes a villain to makes Shadow Stalker's life miserable. Sep 11, 2018 · She also has the power of Causality (like an Unpowered version of "It Gets Worse"!) apparently so that already gives Taylor an edge on Jack. His first fic, 30 Years Late, was written in February of 2017. Capes and Cowls - Unpowered Taylor fights thugs. Emma Barnes: Have a trump power that makes other people stronger. This is some good stuff. The Shadows of a Worm is a Shadowrun crossover with magic!Taylor doing her own thing. 2) it's not rare, but I don't often see even the usual fistfights with someone from the Trinity. Do not post story ideas. Jan 6, 2023 · (Also, the more mundane fact that she doesn't have nigh-on local omniscience like Skitter, or any other powers. Tilt! Fake and make it, infiltrate. Dominion: Realistic S9!Taylor and Khepri powers. Someone has organized a spring camping trip, meant to camp with strangers to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Next one up is Passengers. Can y'all help me find it? EDIT - Found by ConcreteEater. I'm looking for the chapter in Kill Them All where Taylor meets her alternate self, I don't want to comb through 640k words… Dec 20, 2022 · This is about as close as you can get to ideal circumstances for Tattletale's power. Another author then took the Taylor from Deputy and dropped her into canon, in the recursive crossover Emissary, so that will give you a powered and unpowered Taylor at the same time. Virtually everyone (including a large chunk of the fandom) believes she has powers, due to an ongoing string of amusingly implausible coincidences and confirmation bias. Reply reply Dec 20, 2022 · Taylor shook the notebook, and Sophia noticed a piece of paper pinned to the cover by Taylor's thumb. I remember she had her bugs eat someone from the inside-out in this one, but I might be wrong. It's good, but pretty unpleasant to read from an emotional perspective. Work Search tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). The Undersiders are a problem for the Wards on several occasions, especially Tattletale. And is not a parahuman. Edit* Thanks for the recs so far, but I'm looking specifically for something that reads more like a disaster/horror movie. Internship by Hopeful Penguin and Deputy by Reyemile have unpowered Taylor as a member of the PRT; Deputy Commander makes her an unpowered Ward. [38][39][40][41][42] She looked forward to the part of her Mar 18, 2019 · Ah. Lisa probably won't invite her to the Undersiders since she has nothing to offer them nor a means to help her escape Coil and I doubt she would join in on the Bank unless it's just incidental that she's there. Taylor Hebert, Tough On Crime (Totally, Unquestioningly Unpowered Taylor) (Totally, Unquestioningly Unpowered Taylor) RSS. lockerfic — TRANS TAYLOR HEBERT IS IN HELL — Larvae 0. If only they'd met as solo heroes before the Wards hooked them. Dec 20, 2022 · On the one hand Taylor proves something long tossed to the side, the idea that an unpowered person can act with capes given the coordination. Just Worm's events from the perspective of someone largely powerless. Fantastically unique character development to get Taylor in the S9. Mar 18, 2019 · What would Taylor's life look like if she wasn't gifted god-tier multitasking, the ability to make everyone like her for no apparent reason, or any other schtick? Welcome to Pay it Forward, where together we will explore that idea. Taylor tracked rune, Taylor caught rune, but the idea Sophia sees actual value in her is so inconcieveable Sophia must be saying it for the cameras. But nothing she does in the story would be impossible for a just a regular badass normal character. Despite this she always manages to turn the situation on its head and win. The series follows the journey of a fearless blue-haired girl as she travels from her magical home in the wilderness, filled with elves and giants, to the bustling city of Trolberg. In Pay It Forward, Taylor tries to be an unpowered hero, but Sophia won't let her, so Taylor blows up—violently. She partners with Sophia and serves to temper her darker urges. As an independent hero. She read cape magazines for a few years,[37] though this only taught her basic facts about local heroes. However, Taylor had a camera positioned to catch the events (I think it was a drone, not sure) and the footage was live-streamed, including Hess going Shadow, thus publicly (albeit accidentally) outing her. SV Here be Dragons fits the most to my specific thread, others are short fics and one is with unpowered Taylor which I'm sure it's good like The Boys but I don't want to get into, coz I want powers lol. Tilt! Can't stop, won't stop. Hostage Situation: Unique plot, Panacea finds out her dad is Marquis, threatens to stop healing unless he gets out. Coil in particular is rather terrified of her. Not what I'd expected to hear. Tattletale doesn't show up until chapter 12 but the climax of the first arc revolves around her pushing another character too far, and failing to predict their drastic response. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All other top-level replies must suggest a fic (or ask for clarification). Damn it. But that might as well be the B-plot. At one point she goes against hatchet face and shocks him with her strength not being affected. My eyes narrowed. Instead of Triggering, Taylor drops out to open a pizza shop, with the financial backing of Thomas Calvert. Eidawa. the whole sequence of events felt forced rather than a belivable action on Taylors part. Dec 20, 2022 · Taylor has always been the perpetual underdog, in canon worm near 90% of the fights she was in should have ended in her side being slaughtered just based on power level differences. What plan, crazy-eyes?" Taylor's expression soured, then flattened into her good old bovine 'I don't care you just insulted me' face. Dec 20, 2022 · You make Taylor and flicking Sophia use the power of friendship in WORM. Wormfic. It's gotta be. The basic idea was good but the excution was terrible. Like Lisa. 11 votes, 12 comments. "Don't worry, Denial," Vista chirped. Taylor could just be so infuriating. It's possible that if Taylor triggers into a different power, most of the plot in Worm wouldn't happen. family dinner would be fun, I somewhat expect Taylor to punch the boyfriend before the dinner is done. Like a raindrop against a deep puddle, it rippled out and affected every last hint of my consciousness, infecting it with the disease of knowledge – Or at least, an urge to act on the information that I’d always carried within me. If you want to talk about the request, reply to this comment. It's all Good Dog. It also lists 3 different ways Danny would use QA. Taylor was in the alley instead of Emma and triggered there. I personally enjoyed this one a Ironically, it's Taylor who starts to get split-personality issues. Updating pretty regularly. Taylor's reactions would have been difficult to read for an unpowered person due to the poor visibility and concealing costume, but that is literally why what Tattletale does is a superpower instead of something anyone can do. Sep 16, 2022 · A different set of powers and helpful (if they'd only talk it out with her beforehand) adults see Taylor become a Ward. Brian starts crushing on Taylor over the course of her (second) time with the Undersiders. By accident. Three things you never see in fics. Dec 20, 2022 · Tilt! Four letters, one word. Not a stretch at all. The Death of Jack Slash . Dec 20, 2022 · It's nice to see another unpowered Taylor fic. It looked like a blank worksheet or form. Jack Slash, maybe, one day, since he's mostly a baseline guy and there's the consistent meme of "just send an unpowered guy after him" in the fandom, but Leviathan is unkillable by a baseline human within any kind of Except Taylor is unpowered, and it’s Bakuda that talks Taylor down from suicide. She eventually tinkers up a microphone that connects to every local frequency and only uses it to say some pretty trippy things. It's supposed to be a post GM Taylor yet she thinks more like Warlord Skitter during her most delusional and self righteous, however within a few chapters the OC posing as Taylor is torturing and killing in a way that'd make Jack Slash proud. Adventures in the Bay - The closest to what you want IIRC. WORM's Finest - Bat!Grue has a Power so not quite what you're looking for but he is Batman. Worm wiki has a list of shards page. Ships, tanks, or mecha are fine as well but I would prefer an unpowered taylor or a power that assists in piloting instead of say a tinker that builds the thing that she then pilots. This shit seems unreal like, this on a level where Amy gets therapy or David finds his inner peace and retires to become a farmer then settle down with a nice lady in a town of nowhere 4 days ago · Unpowered Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver. Taylor gets straight-up Revenge (ch2, ch3). Huh interesting to see that, i might read this but just how much of Dresden Files leak into Worm because i just dislike the series fay and vampire along with the Outside? They make the crossover even more grimdark especially if you make it that parahumans are still weak against magic, fay and vampires despite their incredible unique powers Denial has a completely unpowered Taylor loudly insisting she's not a cape, but no one believes her because crazy coincidences keep making her look like a combat powerhouse. I'm writing Tilt, about an unpowered Taylor scamming her way into the Wards. And involve rodents. I swear. In a city she doesn't live in, and for some reason she's working for organized crime, while she's still a teenager. In Twitch (ch2, ch3), Taylor uses Regent's power to take control of Emma, then goes for Sophia. DEAD Copacetic - Post-GM fic where Taylor is exiled to a dimension called Earth Dalet instead of Aleph, where the cape scene is in its relative infancy and Taylor finds herself in an instrumental role in shaping it. Distance Learning for Fun and Profit has genius!Taylor rewriting all the laws of science. So, unpowered Taylor equipped with Bakuda bombs decides to make a difference. Recoil: Sorta unpowered/time travelled/PRT!Taylor. Of course, she's still being an escalating badass. The two dragon suits had me thinking already magically jailbroken, but technically she could just have them positioned in separate locations and use them one at a time. Taylor with a broken trigger gets a power that also functions as a Dec 20, 2022 · Sophia sometimes worried that Tilt was doomed by the fact that she shared a body with Taylor Hebert, but even Taylor had come a long way. And although she starts alone, she eventually finds friends and allies among the parahumans that reside there. So if someone wants to write a fic that has an unpowered Taylor singled out by Cauldron, it's all good so long as we readers can understand why by the end of the story. 86 votes, 33 comments. Like Worm, but not. On the other, this child she's begun to care about has been tossing herself into danger without any superpower to fall back on. Jul 9, 2024 · Trans Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver; Unpowered Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver; Khepri | Parahumans; Summary. "I wasn't mocking you. Dec 20, 2022 · Rachel grabbed Taylor by the collar of her hoodie. ) More worm elements that just Taylor are brought in later, so don’t worry about forgetting that you’re reading a worm fic. By far, his most popular works are the Deputy series, which spun off from Hopeful Penguin's Internship. Taylor didn't like Greg in the slightest during early Worm and her opinion of him never really improves so her being willing to tech him up so quickly was extremely jarring. "I meant it," Taylor said 26K subscribers in the WormFanfic community. New one. Dec 20, 2022 · It's easier for Sophia to think of Taylor as the unfortunate baggage of being partners with Tilt and this talk shatters most of that concept because it finally lets he bridge the gap of how Hebert the victim, Taylor the awkward manipulator and Tilt the badass connect to each other, because they don't fall on even the same map in her worldview. Basically enhancing her ability to protect herself while leaning heavily on the "you can't protect yourself" button. No AU this time, I promise. Thanks for clearing that up. Navigation and Actions. 18 Works in Unpowered Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver. The Deputy series has an unpowered Taylor working as a PRT intern. That's where it's put out there single trigger Taylor would have powers like Chicken little. Constellations is i would say on the edge of the OP's looking for as it's more taylor becoming a priestess/miko of a shrine i mean the last few chapters {if you ignore the cluster F*** that feels like it was a half arsed rushed chapter just to say the writer is 'still' working on it when it's clear that they've more or less moved onto doing 'quests' over actual fanfics} has her building a Taylor goes on a murder spree that includes Emma in Charity Begins At Home - beware though, it's not a power fantasy, it's very much a story about a serial killer who loses control of the situation they've put themselves in. New Fic: Pay It Forward (Unpowered!Taylor) I figured I might as well promote my newest fic: Pay It Forward . Specifically, in Yosemite National Park, March 2013. Not Taylor, but Voracity has a main character that is best described as adorrifying. This is all just a mistake on the PRT's part. I mean, to be clear, there's not any possible grounding in canon this fic could claim to have Taylor kill Leviathan unpowered. The stories in that series are: Deputy - unpowered Taylor works for the PRT as an Dec 20, 2022 · Friends or crush, Taylor didn't make plans with her, and Sophia wasn't initially planning on going to Taylor's event, either. Exodus is a Big Hero 6 crossover with a largely original storyline, featuring post-GM Taylor. She shouldn't have slapped her like that. Shards of the Cookie Jar is about an unpowered Taylor who babysits capes. But none of that wasn't apparent to readers at the time of Dinah's predictions/plotting. Created at Jun 8, 2020 Index I remember this one fic where an Alien shared an unpowered Taylor's mind during the Leviathan Fight. However, the story is more competently written than a lot of Worm fics, so if one doesn't mind these things, one might to enjoy it. Taylor's answer to Sophia's challenge was abrupt, brutal and a chillingly effective revenge, 'cause Sophia never saw it coming. Straight out of Moonlight. Pleased to meet you and sorry for wasting your time. bɝt/[35]), known in her primary cape identity as Skitter, is the main protagonist of Worm. Dec 20, 2022 · Taylor being sure Sophia is just being polite saying she couldn't do it without her is funny. "Do not mock me. Notes: Inspired by Worm by Wildbow ; a lot of people are confused what canon compliant means. Even though Taylor does have a power in this, I consider Go Gently to be an unpowered comedy/slice of life. Nov 26, 2016 · Maybe. I think it’s good, even if you’re not a fan of Big Hero 6. Transgender girl Taylor Hebert arrives at school for the first day after winter break. An Essence of Silver and Steel has Taylor as an Independent in the first major character arc, Taylor as a Ward for quite a while after that, and then she leaves to form her own team. Troubles With Me - Sort-Of? Taylor is unpowered and wants to solve her problems with a baseball bat, anymore than this is spoilers. Powers not required. Reply reply Taylor's locker incident is investigated by law and order characters and it's written in a style resembling the show's. The story is "One Girl Force" (Worm x Perry Rhodan) by NoxedSalvation on SV. That's her superpower. Reply reply Mar 4, 2016 · The "unpowered Taylor" has been done before in Troubles With Me (Worm AU). New chapter 3. Taylor Hebert, Pizzeria Tycoon is a fanfiction of Worm by Emissary. As a neutral place, both Heroes and Villains are welcome. The fic is … Stations of the Canon: While Taylor becoming an intern and getting transferred has shot the canon of Worm to hell and back, the story does start off with someone being shoved into Taylor Hebert's locker, which was filled up with used tampons before Winter Break started, and said person triggers with the ability to control bugs. Seed has a biotinker Taylor who scares a lot of people for various reasons. 3) Taylor finds the strength to kill someone from the Trinity, and even more so to kill ordinary civilians. Often she fails. Note: does not need to pilot a plane. I love unpowered Taylor stories, and the fact that this one plays the idea completely straight without drowning in grimderp (that said, Paying It Forward was amazingly graceful in how grim it was) is just flat out amazing. im looking for any fics where taylor has a weak power or is unpowered and has to fight in some other way, like learning to fight, outsmarting everyone (non thinker outsmarting), or just gets by with only pure luck, and i dont mean a secretly strong power that just seems weak like taylors normal bug powers i mean non munchkined actually weak powers. It fits her so well in this story. " "Glad to have you on the team, Taylor," Aegis said with a laugh. Also how long until Coil forces Lisa or Rachel to spill in an alternate timeline? May 2, 2018 · Unpowered Taylor one-shot story? It happened one day; A change of mindset that set the ball rolling. The only unpowered people who fight capes in Worm are the PRT troopers and Coil's mercenaries, who operate in teams with top of the line equipment and lots of training, often alongside other capes. Denial (unless you count plot armor as a meta-power. Search titles only By: Mar 18, 2019 · I read Great amount of fanfiction of Worm, but I was surprised to see few fanfics, where: 1) Taylor is trying to suicide. In desperate situations, Taylor puts together a mental list of every possible asset she has available to her, and tries to make something work with those assets. Taylor is OoC (or TINO, if you prefer), and becomes overpowered by Arc 3 and unsympathetic by Arc 4, after which I dropped the fic. Lists WoG/cannon powers from shards. However, there she is working with Shadow Stalker, while here she looks to be going a Punisher route against the parahumans. Tilt! People grow, people go. Harbinger - Among the earliest Peggy Sue fics. After that, he wrote Part of the Whole. Inspired by Just a Phase and Butcher fics in general. [36] Taylor is initially a shy and awkward teenage girl with an interest in capes. " Rachel searched her face, wishing she could spot a lie just by watching her blink or twitch her lips. Anyways. Or blown off their sparring session. Sol, Bard, Most Gods like Xerath, and Most Primordial Demons like Fiddlesticks. The real story is how she happily chats with her neighbor, Mr. Wins are in the eye of the beholder. "Calm down. For example: Taylor triggers into a different power and chooses a different night as her "first night out" Taylor doesn't meet+beat Lung and he isn't imprisoned Then there is Go Gently, an AU in which an unpowered Taylor kind of befriends a neighbor, one Mr. Constellations is an Okami crossover with an unpowered Taylor, though everyone else is convinced she is. Unfortunately, she quickly comes to realize exactly how difficult her job ends up being as the Director puts more and more work on her. Taylor is an unpowered probably escalating badass with a baseball bat. Regardless, I Am Skitter is fantastic and very dark, I loved it. It goes about as well as one would expect for Worm. Unpowered serial-killer Taylor torture-kills people. Overlord is about a Taylor that's in college, and joins a gaming group called the Undersiders. Mar 18, 2019 · ♦ Topic: ABB vs. And kill the Butcher. E for everyone. I first thought of this after enjoying Internship and Deputy's unpowered Taylor and Emissary's fake cape Taylor. Khepri | Parahumans. Long story short, taykor has anger management issues, and gets stronger when angry. In hindsight, we can see the importance. Any fics about an unpowered individual just trying to survive in BB while all this horrible shit happens? Could be an OC, unpowered Taylor, anything really. The premise seems absurd, but it's handled with a lot of care and taken seriously, it does fit Taylor's personality in an odd sort of way, and the twist where Taylor got Lisa to be her power hit just Dec 20, 2022 · Tilt (Unpowered Taylor) Thread starter StoneAgeFantasy; Start date Dec 20, 2022; Tags taylor hebert (worm) Update after four months. I just started an unpowered Taylor fic where she and Bakuda have some nice interactions and now I'm hankering for a romance… Mar 18, 2019 · Search first posts only. Reyemile is a relative newcomer to writing Worm fanfic. Travelers In: Boards Brockton Bay Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know) Posted On May 2nd 2011: So, as you all know recent events have been a bit tumultuous. Not sure if she's technically older (been a while since I read it), but everyone else is younger. It reminds me of Taylor's Adventures At The Bay, although in this one in the end she admits being unpowered from the get go, to Wards at least. An animated adventure based on the popular graphic novel series by Luke Pearson. All of them are creppier than Taylor's. I’m not basing a story on the authors 10+ years of errata, footnotes, rpg rules, alternate histories and clarifications regarding the way superpowers mechanically function. Kind of OP with like six limbs. That Gnawing Worm, Cancer is really similar to Ox’s newest post. ) Explicitly unpowered Taylor. In some sense she has a Thinker power, as she's downloaded the memories of every war veteran from the past century. It’d been a tough fall semester, but she was finally confident in the outfit she’s put together. (I’m not. "The plan to get Director Piggot to let us hunt villains. Unpunished has hints of this being possible but doesn't quite progress that far. Dialogue's sharp, believable, doesn't waste time. Tilt! Discovered this yesterday and binged like crazy. An unpowered Taylor saved Shadow Stalker from an E88 lynching which completely changes Sophia's perspective of her. Nov 26, 2016 · Taylor has managed to secure the an internship working directly for Director Piggot. Passengers Taylor is unpowered, but she scares her friends and victims by being a psychopath and a serial killer. Summary: Let us follow the life and lies of Taylor Hebert if she had never triggered, with a few minor changes to canon and a few major changes from Skitter never existing. Although here she stops bullying very early on by training how to fight early on, so she doesn't end as a victim like in canon. My name's Taylor, also known as Denial, and I'm not a parahuman or a cape. Sophia (1) January Merchants. " Taylor's arms jerked up like she was about to shove Rachel, but she stopped herself and made eye contact. Characterization's top notch, especially for Taylor, Sophia and Lisa. Jun 8, 2020 · Worm . If Sophia were trying to impress a crush, a dress is the last thing she'd wear unless that crush specifically asked her to wear one, or she had very strong reason to think that her crush wanted to see her acting more girly. Fantastic Punisher-style Taylor who's kinda-sorta unpowered. E88 vs. Rule 7 violations will be removed and may get you temp-banned. Dec 20, 2022 · Aiden isn't even mentioned by name in Worm until arc 22, and later on he talks about having to ask TT about Taylor to really learn any meaningful details at all because they barely interacted. That's what went through Sophia Hess's head when she looked at Hebert, sitting several desks away and not even pretending to pay attention to her schoolwork. In addition, a model having a power that puts other people in the spotlight feels fitting for worm. . Like a loose Summoner - Taylor gains the memories, experiences, and powers of the LoL champions except for the overpowered ones like A. You were living an ordinary life on Earth when you decided to go camping. First in line is QA. 2 contains a scene I haven't seen in a… Taylor Anne Hebert[1] (pronounced "Hee-bert"; IPA:/ˈhiː. He is a powerfully built man who only rarely appears at the apartment. Kenta. Chapter Text. Mar 18, 2019 · Taylor walking up to Sophia and killing her straight-up was cold as fuck. Dec 20, 2022 · Pretty sure what you're talking about is something she does plenty in canon, some people call it "Taylor's Toolbox" (shout out to We've Got Worm). Last edited: Mar 14, 2023 Mar 25, 2023 · Lisa is gonna realize that Taylor is only more reckless without her and will still wanna worm out of Coil's grip so she'll probably want to make sure Taylor is at the very least more informed before attempting her suicidal plans. 0 — TRIGGER EVENT FIC (canon compliant Trans Taylor Hebert WORM GayU) by skitterstan Fandoms: Parahumans Series - Wildbow Teen And Up Audiences Mar 26, 2023 · Tilt (Unpowered Taylor) Thread starter StoneAgeFantasy; Start date Dec 20, 2022; Tags And I mean villain in the little v sense, not the Worm sense. Sophia cringed. Eating innocent people will do that. Taylor's name just tickles me pink. No elaborate plans, no flowery speeches. Works; Bookmarks; Filters Which means that any fic in which Taylor joins the Ambassadors would have to be a Denial/Internship -esque story about Taylor being a totally badass normal and rising through the ranks of the unpowered in a cape organization. Taylor sees a few minor burns on his body and figures that he must be a firefighter. Unpowered Taylor which starts at the beginning of the Christmas break. This features Taylor without powers. "Armsmaster Mar 23, 2018 · Taylor doesn't let that stop her and begins actively working toward a better Brockton Bay. And you know what? I liked it that way. Updating. Just finished S0ngd0gs "night flight" snips and was wondering if there was anything else like this. Intent of this AU is as a supplement to Worm by wildbow. Intent of this AU is as a supplement to Worm Sep 10, 2018 · "Hi. Jack's luck runs out in the form of a rando with a shotgun. ) Taylor sees herself as failing, but entirely trusting Taylor's own self-perception is rarely a great idea in Worm or good Worm fics. yt jo sk es lq ec yi dj zm dg